Refurbishment of Fire Escapes
Whilst we will happily provide free advice and quotations, if you are contacting us regarding a fire escape refurbishment project, it is essential that we have a selection of photographs available, and know the age and conditions of your existing stairs. We are insured to work on refurbishments up to 20m in height, and this can prove a very cost effective way of ensuring safety, and complying with all regulations.
If refurbishment is a feasible option, we are able to handle all aspects for the job from drawing up an improvement plan, to fabrication of new parts and both off-site and on-site welding and finishing to ensure your Fire Escape is fit for purpose, and safe to use.

Our Refurbishment Service Includes
replacing treads on the stair way
replacing bars
wire-brushing rusted parts and repainting with primer and specialist paints
removing fatigued or rusted fixings and replacing with new
putting in new safety balustrades
strengthening railings
recovering non-slip platforms.
upgrading structural supports.

Contact us for fire escape refurbishment in London & Sussex today. ENV Contractors Ltd carries out work for clients across the south east.